Rosary Warriors! Final Notice to submit or update your personal Storm
Heaven Intentions.

Dear Friend,
Tomorrow, November 1, Cardinal Burke will offer the
Operation Storm Heaven Holy Mass. The
Holy Mass will be said privately this
month for the intentions of the Rosary
Warriors, as well as the specific intentions that you will
If you have not yet submitted
your intentions or would like to update them, please do so now by
clicking on the red button below and typing them in the form on the
next page:
In addition to praying for each other’s intentions submitted
or held in the silence of our hearts, let’s include in
our prayer intentions:
For peace in the world. May God hold
the suffering, the hostages, the wounded, the victims and their
families in the palm of His Hand. In his Apostolic letter, Salvifici
Doloris, St. John Paul II wrote:
“It can be said that
man suffers whenever he
experiences any kind of evil.” Remember, we are all one body in Christ. “If your brother suffers, you should also be
suffering with him.” 1
Corinthians 12:25-27
- That the
Gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the Gift of Wisdom, may fall upon
all Bishops attending the USCCB Fall General Assembly November 13 -
November 16.
- For an
increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life, especially
in those areas that are most deprived of the sacraments, that God may
raise up many zealous pastors and caretakers of His holy people in
order to strengthen the Church’s mission of saving souls.
- That the
Holy Spirit stir up the Baptismal and Confirmation vows in all
Catholics, so that they may be on fire for the Church, to worthily
receive Holy Communion as well as the frequent reception of the
Sacrament of Confession.
- That the
Blessed Virgin Mary may wrap her mantle of love around His Eminence,
Cardinal Burke, and that Our Lord may bestow many graces upon
- That our
Mother of Mercy may bring healing and hope to all who are
- For the
Holy Souls in Purgatory, especially those souls who have no one to
pray for them, as well as those who have died suddenly without the
forgiveness of their sins.
- For the
unity of the Church, that we may all work toward overcoming
differences and uniting our efforts in the common mission of preaching
the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations.
Finally, we
receive countless testimonies from Rosary Warriors around the world
every day, so encourage your family as well as your friends,
neighbors, colleagues and business associates… who
have intentions to be sure to submit them and to
join Operation Storm Heaven as we march to our goal of
reaching One Million Rosary Warriors.
Simply forward this email
to them and ask them to click here.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
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