March 6, 2020
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March 6, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

March 6, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? In his 1968 non-fiction blockbuster, The Biological Time Bomb, Gordon Rattray Taylor wrote about the prospect of germ warfare in the context of "undeclared war." He explained, "In current thinking the best way to wage war is to wage it without your enemy even being aware that it is happening." He was predicting the use of infectious diseases to cripple a nation.... (more)

March 6, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? After President Trump named Vice President Pence last week to lead nation's battle against the coronavirus, many in the media decried the choice because supposedly Mike Pence "doesn't believe in science." How could he? He's a Christian. So the logic goes.... (more)

March 6, 2020
BRYAN FISCHER ? Eco-warriors are besotted with the myth that energy can be clean and renewable. The truth is that any "renewable" energy requires massive environmental impacts. These impacts consume enormous amounts of environmental resources, which would make the most ardent environmentalist blush with shame if they only knew about them. Greens have so ensconced themselves in a humongous bubble of ignorance that it's doubtful if any but a handful know what I'm about to tell you.... (more)

March 6, 2020
President reacts to Schumer?s threat against Supreme Court justices, and much more
FOX NEWS ? Mar. 5, 2020 - President Donald Trump speaks with Sean Hannity via phone to discuss Sen. Schumer's threat against Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, the 2020 Democratic race, the coronavirus outbreak, and more.... (more)

March 6, 2020
Dems are for a ?civil society??
NATIONAL REVIEW ? Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Wednesday warned Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh that they will "pay the price" if they take a position he disagrees with in deciding a case that addresses the credentials required for doctors who perform abortions.... (more)

March 6, 2020
NBC NEWS ? Chief Justice John Roberts publicly chastised Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Wednesday over comments Schumer made outside the Supreme Court as the justices were hearing a case on abortion rights. Schumer, D-N.Y., suggested that President Donald Trump's court appointees, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, "won't know what hit" them if they vote to uphold abortion restrictions. He spoke during a rally on the sidewalk in front of the court building.... (more)

March 6, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh thinks Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden's latest flub really wasn't a flub. At a campaign event in Houston on Monday, Biden launched into a quote that mentions God, and since he cannot do that as a Democrat, he had to shut it down before reaching the word, Limbaugh told his listeners Tuesday.... (more)

March 5, 2020
THE GUARDIAN ? Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are the only major candidates to remain in the Democratic primary race after an initially crowded field gradually winnowed down. Elizabeth Warren was the last major candidate to drop out after a disappointing result on Super Tuesday. The primaries and caucuses are a series of contests, in all 50 US states plus Washington DC and US territories, by which the party selects its presidential nominee. In these votes, the goal for the Democratic candidates is to amass popular support that translates to a number of pledged delegates.... (more)

March 5, 2020
MSN NEWS ? It could have been a scene out of the romantic thriller "The Bodyguard," except the hero of the moment in this case was not a trained agent but Jill Biden. The sequence began as former vice president Joe Biden was delivering his victory speech in Los Angeles, thanking his supporters for his Super Tuesday comeback.... (more)

March 5, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Donna Brazile, the former Democratic National Committee chairwoman, was "out of line" in telling her to "go to hell," declared Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee. Brazile lashed out at McDaniel for asserting the Democratic Party put its thumb on the scale in favor of one candidate during the party's primaries.... (more)

March 5, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? A "vast unplanned experiment in mass homeschooling" could be unleashed in the United States if school officials follow the response of some nations to the coronavirus. The forecast by Kevin Carey, vice president of education policy for the New America think tank, came in a New York Times story highlighted by the Foundation for Economic Education.... (more)

March 4, 2020
Radical socialist Sanders calls Trump ?the most dangerous president in the history of this country?
FOX NEWS ? Former Vice President Joe Biden surged to victory in Super Tuesday contests across the South and beyond, while Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., claimed gold with a sizable win in delegate-prize California -- divvying up the map on the biggest primary day of the season and indicating a tight battle between the two that is likely to drag on for weeks or more.... (more)

March 4, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Lee Greenwood discusses writing "God Bless the USA" and performs the patriotic hit on "Country's Family Reunion" on Country Road TV .... (more)

March 4, 2020
JONATHAN TURLEY ? One of my favorite stories about Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes is from one of his train trips to Washington. Holmes forgot his ticket but the train conductor reassured him, "Do not worry about your ticket. We all know who you are. When you get to your destination, you can find it and just mail it to us." Holmes responded, "My dear man, the problem is not my ticket. The problem is, where am I going?"... (more)

March 2, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Army 1st Lt. Clint Lorance tells 'Fox & Friends' he's 'so happy to be an American' after being released from Fort Leavenworth military prison six years after being found guilty of second-degree murder in Afghanistan.... (more)

March 2, 2020

March 2, 2020
'All men and women created by you know'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden, whose infamous gaffes include firing shotguns to warn intruders and telling a paralyzed supporter to stand, recently claimed 150 million Americans were killed by gun violence.... (more)

March 2, 2020
After dropping out Sunday night
THE HILL ? Former presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg on Monday night officially endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden in the Democratic presidential race. The former mayor of South Bend, Ind., threw his support behind Biden during a joint appearance in Dallas after suspending his own campaign Sunday.... (more)

March 2, 2020
THE HILL ? Establishment Democrats are consolidating behind former Vice President Joe Biden after his decisive South Carolina victory in their effort to block liberal front-runner Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) from clinching the Democratic nomination.... (more)

March 2, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Joe Biden, fresh off a victory in South Carolina propelled by black voters, on Sunday commemorated a landmark civil rights march in Alabama, where some worshippers at an African-American church turned their backs on his rival Michael Bloomberg.... (more)

March 2, 2020
Cites his vital national security experience
NEWSMAX ? Amid criticism of a lack of intelligence experience, Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, laid out his case to be confirmed as the next director of national intelligence. "I have been handling national security issues as far back as 2005," Ratcliffe told CBS News. "I have spent four years at the Justice Department in charge of sensitive matters of national security, anti-terrorism investigations. For the last five years, I have been legislating almost exclusively on national security issues."... (more)

March 2, 2020
Matthews was due to retire in the near future with the events of the past week playing a factor in the timing of the move, an MSNBC spokesperson said.
NBC NEWS ? Chris Matthews, one of the longest-tenured voices at MSNBC, announced his retirement during Monday's night's airing of his talk show, "Hardball." Matthews, 74, said he and MSNBC had mutually agreed to part ways. The decision followed a series of events that resulted in criticism of the host's statements about Bernie Sanders, African-American lawmakers, and comments he had made to female journalists and coworkers.... (more)

March 2, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Roger Stone, a longtime friend and ally of President Donald Trump who was sentenced to 40 months in prison last week for lying to Congress, tampering with a witness and obstructing the House investigation into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to tip the 2016 election, on Sunday said his only fear in life is "not being right with God."... (more)

February 29, 2020
NEWSMAX ? The U.S. Surgeon General is making an exasperating plea for Americans to stop inundating face mask suppliers with individual orders, adding the masks are "not effective" for the general public's safety. They are best used for those with the virus, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.... (more)

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