OCTOBER DEADLINE ALERT John, Let's review this month: FIRST, a D.C. judge imposed an unconstitutional gag order on Pres. Trump in a bogus court case against him. SECOND, a New York judge did the same thing. NEXT, the New York judge accused Pres. Trump of violating his gag order and fined him $5,000. AFTER THAT, Pres. Trump was accused of violating it again and fined an additional $10,000. THEN, the D.C. judge reinstated the gag order after Pres. Trump's appeal was denied. NOW, they're saying Pres. Trump could be jailed for violating the D.C. gag order. MEANWHILE... Joe Biden is the most corrupt president to ever step foot in the White House and is weaponizing the justice system against Pres. Trump to hide his own guilt. While the courts and the media go after Pres. Trump, Biden has left our border wide open and allowed over 8 million illegals to walk into our country, he's obliterating American families' personal finances with his out-of-control inflation, and he's putting Americans at risk with a weak foreign and national security agenda. While this is happening, Pres. Trump is being gagged by a corrupt system hell-bent on locking him up. As the leading anti-Joe Biden organization in America that has also endorsed Pres. Donald J. Trump for 2024, we need your help to be a voice for Pres. Trump and hold Joe Biden accountable! Will you please rush your month-end support and help us meet our October deadline before midnight with a contribution of $25 or more? Your support will help us defend Pres. Trump and defeat Joe Biden. Please rush your support before 11:59 PM tonight! Help us Defend Pres. Trump & Defeat Biden » Thank you,  Ted Harvey, Chairman Committee to Defeat the President StopJoe.com
The Committee to Defeat the President (StopJoe.com) is a grassroots-funded effort dedicated to stopping Joe Biden and (as they would say) "resisting" the Democrat Party's radical socialist agenda.
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Our movement is driven and accountable to supporters like you. Your grassroots support is critical to helping us defeat Joe. If you'd like to contribute, please go here. Thank you – and God bless you – for your support!