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Britain's most senior counter-terrorism officer has said British Muslims should not be forced to "assimilate" and called for a more 'community led'
counter-terrorism strategy.
Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has said LGBT people "don't feel safe to come out" in "conservative religious communities" as he spoke on the campaign
for LGBT equality and his attendance of Brighton Pride.
A man who wants his circumcision "reversed" has revealed he's in pain with every step he takes and can barely feel anything during sex, after undergoing the
"traumatic and disgusting" procedure.
Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries International, a global family of Pentecostal churches based in the UK, stands accused of mishandling funds by the
UK's charity regulator.
The attorney general of the US state of Alabama has said a federal judge should grant, at least in part, a request for a preliminary injunction blocking
enforcement of the state's new abortion ban. But he has added that he will take the fight to uphold the ban to the US Supreme Court.
After the minister for faith's resignation, Stephen Evans says this unnecessary role enables the government to promote a positive view of religion and should
be abandoned.
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