We’re so close to hitting our end-of-month fundraising goal. Take a look for yourself:

If every person reading this email donated $2 – that’s right, $2 – we would blow well past our goal and enter November with the support we need to secure a victory on Issue 1.
Your $2 could make the difference in our work to fight the GOP’s massive misinformation machine in this final week. It could give us the resources we need to knock on one last door and convince one more voter to get to the polls.
So please, if you can, chip in $2 before midnight tonight to help us reach our October fundraising goal so we can turn out every voter we can before November 7th. Here’s a link to donate:
Thank you,
Team Ohio Dems
A reproductive rights initiative is on the Ohio ballot this November. Can Ohio Democrats count on you to chip in $5, $10, or whatever you can to help fuel our fight to protect reproductive rights in our state constitution? →