All 140 seats of Virginia’s state legislature are on the ballot, and if the MAGA GOP takes full control, they will ban abortion.

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All 140 seats of Virginia’s state legislature are on the ballot, and if the MAGA GOP takes full control, they will ban abortion.

That’s it, that’s the truth, friend.

We’re working desperately around the clock to protect reproductive freedom in Virginia. But Republicans are not backing down. We must band together and fight back: will you split a donation now between the Virginia House Democratic Caucus and Win the Era to help us win this fight? »


It’s clear: if Republicans buy a MAGA majority in the House, Glenn Youngkin will “happily and gleefully” sign any abortion ban that comes to his desk.

Republicans have shown us who they are. Just this year, Virginia Republicans introduced abortion ban after abortion ban. For years they have put forward legislation to shame and punish women who seek care. And let’s not forget the leader of the House Republicans voted against abortion over 40 times.

Up until this point, we’ve been able to hold the line and protect our freedoms thanks to a narrow majority in the Senate. But Republicans are laser focused on winning total control. If they win the trifecta – there will be nothing we can do to stop them.

It all comes down to the final week. This is the last stand.

That’s why we need every single one of our supporters to take action - with support from grassroots Democrats like you, we can block their far-right agenda, and elect leaders who will protect our fundamental freedoms. Time is running out, will you chip in right now in this final chance to protect reproductive freedom? »

Thank you for standing alongside us,

VA House Dems

Win the Era PAC
PO Box 1226
South Bend, IN 46624
United States

Paid for by Win the Era PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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