Dear friend,


Today, the Isle of Man’s Assisted Dying Bill passed its Second Reading with an historic vote of 17 to 7. MHKs have heard the overwhelming call for change from the Manx people and voted yes to dignity.


This means the Isle of Man is on the path to becoming the first part of the British Isles to legalise assisted dying. It joins countries like Australia, New Zealand and the US by acknowledging that dying people deserve choice at the end of life. This is a huge victory.


The Bill will now progress through further stages of scrutiny, consultation and debate. Assisted dying could be available as a choice for terminally ill islanders in 2025.


It wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible work of supporters in the Isle of Man. Whether it was writing to members of their parliament, telling their stories to local media, or attending the demonstration this morning, everyone has worked so hard. A huge thank you to you all for everything you’ve done to support the campaign.

But it’s not over yet. Friend, will you invite a friend to join our campaign for dignity and choice at the end of life?


This is a turning point in the movement for assisted dying. Westminster must take account of the Isle of Man’s vote, as well as the progress in Jersey and Scotland, and make time for the debate on assisted dying.

We can’t achieve law change without the support of people like you, Friend. Will you invite a friend to join our campaign? 


Together, we will change the law so that all dying people across the British Isles have the choice they want and need.


Best wishes,


Sarah Wootton

Dignity in Dying Chief Executive



Our campaign is powered by members - people who support us with a small regular gift so we can plan out the most effective actions to bring about an assisted dying law. Sign up and join thousands of other Dignity in Dying members across the country, from just £2 a month:


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