Here's a spooky update:

There's a specter hanging over Arizona politics and it's not goblins and ghouls. It's not Kari Lake, the MAGA extremist running for Senate, Donald Trump, or the swarms of election deniers in Arizona, it's No Labels.

Now before you say "OooooOOOooo spoooOOooooOOoky" and get back to your Halloween festivities, will you chip in $3 today and help us ensure voters know exactly what No Labels is up to?

No Labels spent a mountain of dark money to collect signatures and file lawsuits so they could become a "political party" in Arizona.

But then No Labels' boogeyman arrived.

Richard Grayson is just a guy who likes to run for elected office and next year, he wants to run as a No Labels candidate.

Harmless, right? Not for No Labels.

No Labels wants to keep its accounts as secret as possible. But if Richard declares as the No Labels candidate for the Arizona Corporate Commission then No Labels will have to start disclosing who its funders are, and they are terrified to disclose their donors. So much so, that they are actually suing the Arizona Secretary of State to stop Richard from becoming a No Labels candidate.

No organization masquerading as a "political party" should be exempt from disclosing their donors because voters have a right to know who is funding them. Will you donate to the One Country Fund today and help us tell voters what No Labels is up to?

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This shadowy super PAC spent a fortune to become a "political party" in Arizona, but they are actively preventing folks from running as a No Labels candidate.

Political parties cannot unilaterally prevent someone from running for office because here in the United States, we are a democracy and the people decide. But No Labels is clearly uncomfortable with that idea.

We can't be too surprised, because No Labels has one goal: ensure Donald Trump wins the presidency in 2024.

Disclosing No Labels' donors will show that it's just another extremist organization bowing to the whims of Trump and his MAGA allies.

No Labels wants to divide Americans and give Trump a clear path to the White House, but we aren't letting that happen.

One Country Fund is working to educate voters across the country and show them that No Labels is just a Trojan horse filled with MAGA money. Can we count on you to join our grassroots movement to stop No Labels and its MAGA mega-donors?

We're uncovering No Labels and their MAGA Mega-Donors

If we are going to stop these extremists and help elect Democrats up and down the ballot, we need to start today and we need your help.


Tessa Gould
Executive Director, One Country Fund

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