Can we trick your knowledge this Halloween?
National Domestic Workers Alliance (Logo)

We have a spooky treat for you, John, that's sure to trick your knowledge this Halloween: our BRAND NEW QUIZ!

More than 1,000 brave souls have taken the quiz to test their knowledge of the unique challenges faced by domestic workers.

So John – do you dare confront the unknown this Halloween? Do you dare explore how much you know about why domestic workers are treated differently to most other workers?

Taking the quiz is not only Halloween fun: for every person who submits the quiz, NDWA will receive a $1 donation from a generous donor.


Two speakers at a rally stand behind a lecturn. One worker holds her hand in the air.

Spook to you soon 👻

The NDWA Team

Thank you for being a dedicated supporter of the National Domestic Workers Alliance!

We're working day and night to win respect, recognition, and labor rights and protections for the more than 2.5 million nannies, house cleaners, and homecare workers.

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Dignity, Unity, Power

The majority of domestic workers sit at the center of some of our nation’s most decisive issues because of who they are and what they do: they are women – mostly women of color, immigrants, mothers, and low-wage workers. They are impacted by almost every policy affecting the future of our economy, democracy and country.

Domestic workers can lead us toward a new, inclusive vision for the future for all of us -- and your grassroots support is the fuel that can get us there.

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