As you read this, Ruben Gallego is getting absolutely pummeled by opponents from all sides.

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John -

$3. That is the donation Ruben Gallego is asking you to urgently make to his campaign for Senate in Arizona before the end of the day today. Before our end-of-month deadline at midnight.

If you understand how important these deadlines are and that's all you need to hear, please make your contribution at this link:

Otherwise, please let us explain:

As you read this, Ruben Gallego is getting absolutely pummeled by opponents from all sides.

Earlier this month Kari Lake and Ruben were on the same flight from D.C. back to Arizona. After they got off, Lake ambushed Ruben with a camera and a microphone. Ruben held his ground, and Lake looked like the MAGA extremist she is.

Still, it was a reminder that this is the kind of campaign we can expect from her — aggression at every turn. And with Trump’s endorsement, she isn’t about to turn down the volume.

Worse still, the major unanswered question is when Kyrsten Sinema will enter the race. With close to $11 million on hand and enough billionaires in her pocket to tank our chances... she could pull off enough votes from Ruben to get Kari Lake elected.

This race is going to come down to the wire next year. And if we want to beat Kari Lake and replace Kyrsten Sinema in the Senate, we have to be able to compete. We have to be on level financial footing.

But Ruben can’t do this by himself. The overwhelming majority of the money he raises will come from individuals like you responding to emails like this one. It's his only chance to fund a winning campaign.

So, ahead of our deadline at midnight, we are humbly asking:

Can you please rush a $3 contribution directly to Ruben Gallego's campaign for Senate in Arizona? Do it before midnight tonight.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly.

Truth is, the amount of the donation isn't even as important as the donation itself. Of course, larger donations mean a lot, but no matter the amount, every donation sends a message about the strength of our campaign.

Thank you in advance for chipping in to help win this seat.

Ruben Gallego for Arizona



Paid For By Gallego for Arizona

Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform do not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.

This email was sent to [email protected]. Emails like this are a critical tool for our campaign's fundraising and organizing efforts. If you'd like to receive only the most important emails going forward, tell us at this link. Or, if you need to, you can unsubscribe here. If you would like to support Ruben's campaign for Senate, please consider making a donation today.