London Councils is working with London Trading Standards, the Association of Directors of Public Health, the Mayor of London and Public Health England to promote the Stamp IT Out campaign to stop the sale of illegal tobacco products with a series of roadshows and events throughout the summer. You can find out more about the campaign here.
The latest update from London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI) discusses their newest projects, and how they'll be turning plans into actions. The team are focusing on: information governance, seamless wifi and digital apprenticeships.
Find out more about LOTI on our website. |
LSE Professor Tony Travers and London Housing Directors' Group Chair Mark Baigent discuss the legacy of the Addison Act with London Councils’ Eloise Shepherd and Alex Sewell in a special ‘Let’s talk about..’ podcast to mark the centenary of the act that kick-started council housing in the capital. You can listen to the podcast on our website here. |
Railway bicycle theft hotspots revealed BBC News |
Report: 580,000 more social workers needed by 2035 The MJ |
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