October AVFCA Blog Posts!
In case you missed our last few articles published in October by A Voice for Choice Advocacy writers, links are below...Be sure to sign up for AVFCA's Substack to get these weekly articles https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com or check our Blog https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/blog.
Heads-Up! The Commercially-Made Wine You Love to Drink Boasts a Cluster of Hidden Chemicals
Wine certainly has its upsides and its downsides. Research shows commercially-made wine is loaded with pesticides and herbicides, including glyphosate. If you can tolerate the sugar content, and alcohol addiction isn’t an issue for you, consider consuming organic, biodynamic varieties that are also low in sulfites.
AVFCA Blog: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/heads-up-the-commercially-made-wine-you-love-to-drink/
Substack: https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/heads-up-the-commercially-made-wine
Natural Antibiotics vs. Rx (Medical Prescriptions): Helping You Make an Informed Decision
An introspective look at antibiotics: history, usage, complications, and natural sources. Antibiotic resistance poses a global health threat that we must be aware of in order to make the best possible choice if and when the time comes. Best practices to consider when taking prescription antibiotics are included.
AVFCA Blog: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/natural-antibiotics-vs-rx-medical-prescriptions/
Substack: https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/natural-antibiotics-vs-rx-medical
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): The FDA’s Newest Health Food
Exploring the FDA’s recent recommendation to use MSG—monosodium glutamate—as a salt replacement, given there are studies linking its consumption to a variety of health risks. Should salt intake be reduced across the board or should the focus be on the quality vs. quantity of salt?
AVFCA Blog: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/monosodium-glutamate-msg-the-fdas-newest-health-food/
Substack: https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/monosodium-glutamate-msg-the-fdas
Californian Restaurateur Standing Strong After Pushing Back Against COVID-19 Constraints
While many restaurants closed during the pandemic, Chef Andrew Gruel took a stand for freedom, and decided to stay open. Based on an interview in which he spoke about the challenge in doing so, and how teamwork—listening closely, and taking his staff’s needs into consideration—was the most important ingredient.
AVFCA Blog: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/californian-restaurateur-standing-strong-after-pushing-back-against-covid-19-constraints/
Substack: https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/californian-restaurateur-standing
During the second half of October, AVFCA brought awareness to specific observance days by sharing our original stories that matched these themes:
World Food Day: "The Lowdown on Salt: An Introduction From “Beginner’s Mind”
Salt gets a bad rap, as it has been liked to high blood pressure, and therefore, heart disease. However, as too often exists in Western medicine, a rudimentary perspective gets overplayed, run through society, and broken down to “good and bad.” In the case of sodium, two considerations are of great importance: the type/quality of salt you are investigating, and your sodium level to potassium level ratio. Ordinary run-of-the-mill table salt is not the same ingredient as high-quality, mineral-rich sea salt. http://tinyurl.com/thesaltlowdown
National Health Education Week: "Why the Boosted Have a Higher Risk for COVID-19”
Despite the incessant mantra of “safe and effective,” those who have received the most COVID-19 vaccines are proving to be at higher risk of contracting the very disease they are trying to avoid, than people who have said no to the same shots. But why? And given the implications of this, why are mandates still part of the conversation? https://tinyurl.com/CV-BOOSTERS
World Polio Day: "Where Did It Come From? Poliovirus in New York's Wastewater”
Summer 2022, an unvaccinated New York man tested positive for polio, catching a strain of poliovirus that only comes from the vaccine. Local wastewater samples were popping up positive, too. This raises two questions: Where did this poliovirus come from, and what does it mean for the medical freedom movement? https://tinyurl.com/AVFCA-POLIO
Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month: "Who Do You Trust? Making Decisions in the Face of Adversity”
Trust is a funny thing. “I trust you; I don’t trust you,” you’ve likely heard, thought, or said to someone. When broken down, the fact is that often it is not the whole person (or experience) that is not trustworthy, but rather, certain aspects of that person’s behavior, such as particular areas where you don’t see follow-through. Understanding and acknowledging the ways you do trust someone can help alleviate a black and white, potentially limiting mindset. https://tinyurl.com/AVFCA-SIDEEFFECTS
Eat Better, Eat Together Month: "Ingredients That Cause "Side" Effects: Hold On to Your Hat!—It’s an Avalanche”
A deep dive into the ingredients that cause side effects. Food dyes, additives, sweeteners, texturing agents, and the list goes on. The research linked plenty of health risks and illnesses to many of these ingredients. We included the new World Health Organization announcement naming aspartame as a possible carcinogen, as well as mention of AB 418—which would ban the use of red dye No. 3, along with brominated vegetable oil, titanium dioxide, propylparaben, and potassium bromate. https://tinyurl.com/AVFCA-SIDEEFFECTS
Our team also reads hundreds of articles each week, and those of interest are shared on our social media platforms. However, once or twice a week, our team reads an article that is profound or shares a perspective that is new or from an expert that AVFCA feels should be highlighted. These articles are shared on our Substack.
If you found this information helpful and appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today.

Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
