One of the races at the top of my list is Congressman Marc Molinaro’s MUST-WIN fight in New York’s 19th Congressional District.

Fellow Conservative,

The minute I was elected Speaker I made it clear – my top priority is defending Republican incumbents in battleground districts who are CRITICAL to protecting the House Majority in 2024.

One of the races at the top of my list is Congressman Marc Molinaro’s MUST-WIN fight in New York’s 19th Congressional District.

Marc won this seat by less than 2% in 2022 and the Democrats have not stopped the relentless barrage of attacks against him since. Marc is a reliable conservative fighter whose victory played a vital role in ending the Democrats’ catastrophic Majority.

That’s why I’m asking every grassroots Conservative to stand with Marc by making a CRITICAL contribution of $15, $25, $50, or more to support his fight to keep this seat in Republican hands.


Every Democrat megadonor and radical Leftist activist knows their path back to the House Majority runs straight through this seat, and they’ve already raised millions to defeat him.

If we’re going to defend our Republican Majority we need Republicans like you united behind Marc. Can I tell Marc he can count on your support?

Thank you,
Mike Johnson
Speaker of the House

Stand with Marc DONATE

Paid for by Marc for US

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