Hi Friend,
There are just 7 days until Election Day and early voting has begun in many states.
After a month of chaos, House Republicans elected "MAGA Mike" Johnson as Speaker. "MAGA Mike" was a key legal architect of both overturning Roe v. Wade and January 6. As speaker, his first act was to cut both aid to Ukraine and IRS enforcement against rich tax cheats.
So this is the perfect time to create another Blue Wave!
How? With SwipeBlue - our simple but powerful free GOTV app for your phone.
SwipeBlue is the most powerful GOTV tool ever invented - because texts from friends are 29 times more powerful than texts from strangers. Why? Because your friends trust you.
Here's how it works:

When you install SwipeBlue, we ask your permission to securely match your phone contacts to the public voter file so we can show you all your Democratic friends.
Use partner code 2023 to focus on your Democratic friends in the crucial orange states below (h/t Blue Voter Guide). (If you accidentally skip the partner code, you can choose 2023 from our campaigns menu.)

Then scroll through your list of Democratic friends in these key states. To make sure they vote, swipe left to text them our voting message. You can edit our default message or send it as is.
Then keep swiping everyone you know who cares about reproductive freedom, climate change, gun safety, student debt, truthful education - and Democracy itself
That's it! Our average volunteer has nearly 700 friends and family in their phone, and most of their friends are Democrats.
In just 10 minutes you can text over 30 Democratic friends to make sure they vote in November. In an hour, you can text over 180 friends.
Your texts alone will make a huge difference. And if hundreds - or thousands - of us text our friends with SwipeBlue, we will elect Democrats everywhere.
I hope you will use SwipeBlue to elect Democrats everywhere.
Thanks for all you do!
Bob Fertik, President
p.s. If you moved since you last voted, click here to check your registration - and register if needed.