A couple of weeks ago we asked for our community's opinion on our shared direction of travel in this new decade. Have a look at the results!

Hi John,

Just a couple of weeks ago we asked you and the entire 350 European online community to take a survey and help shape our collective strategic direction in this new decade.

We already know that people are what powers the climate movement, and people will win the fight against the fossil fuel industry. We also know we must evolve to meet new challenges, and that we’re more committed than ever to stand together for a better future.

Close to 5000 of us took our 2020 supporter survey to help us understand where we want to focus the power and energy of our campaigning, and what we need to improve to win. Here’s a small taste of the results, and please make sure to read more on the survey results (with graphs!) in this blog post!

>> How hopeful are you about the climate movement’s work to stop climate breakdown?

We seem to be divided in (almost) equal parts between having little to no hope (33%), feeling moderately to very hopeful (31%), and sitting somewhere in between (36%). Fair enough: the future can sometimes seem uncertain. Wherever you are on this scale, the best antidote for hopelessness is taking action with others – and there’s still so much we can do together.

>> Which of these possible campaigns or activities do you find interesting?

Mobilising communities and pushing governments to accelerate the transition to a renewable energy economy:

Pressuring banks and governments to cut off financing for fossil fuel projects:

Supporting big global mobilisations like the climate strikes:

We agree: continued work to end fossil finance, and pull money away from fossil fuels, should remain our strategic focus (“extremely interesting” for 70% of us). That’s why we need to double down on getting banks to stop dealing with polluters. See more on this question in the blog post.

>> How effective do you think 350 is in engaging you in strategic campaigns and organising to address the climate crisis?

Good news: more than half of us (52%) think 350 is either effective or very effective in engaging our supporters in campaigns for climate justice, though we have a lot of space to improve. Our commitment: we will keep intervening together when we can help shift things, make marginalised voices and struggles visible, or where our collective pressure can have an impact.

Want to learn more about how we responded to the survey?

When preparing the survey, we asked ourselves: where do we want to focus the power and energy of our campaigning? Which of the many paths before us do we take together? What do we need to win, other than each other? What we got was a feeling of support, of readiness, and of urgency - and it helps us shape our next steps.

The climate justice movement has been growing in power for years, and this new decade is about focused action.

John, thank you for being part of this community and for every action you take. From sharing uplifting videos about people winning against coal projects everywhere, to showing up to demonstrations, to chipping in to help fund our campaigns, everything you do matters in changing the conversation.


Julia and the entire 350 Europe team

PS: We’re building campaigns to confront the power of the fossil fuel corporations. We might not have their billions, but we have each other. If you’re in this for the long run, consider chipping in with a small donation. For the price of a cinema ticket you can help build and strengthen the foundations of our movement.

350.org is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.

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