Friday of the First Week of Lent
Readings of the Day
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to my voice in supplication.
Today’s Responsorial Psalm reminds us that one of the penitential priorities for Lent is “prayer.” We pray for forgiveness for our own sins or misdeeds. We also pray that those we love or care about also have their sins forgiven.
I found it interesting that all of the day’s readings deal with atonement for sin, and what happens when we turn away from the Lord’s way. The reading from Ezekiel gives us hope that if we change our ways we will be okay. The Gospel reading from Matthew reminds us that it is up to us to seek forgiveness from those who we feel have harmed us. I would say that these are big challenges for most of us. But perhaps these are challenges that we can undertake this Lenten season.
Through our prayers, fasting, and almsgiving, perhaps we can set ourselves on a new spiritual path. In our field we spend hours working with others who need our assistance, and we generally deliver the needed aid. However, we do not always take care of ourselves. We do not stop often enough to gauge whether we are performing at full capacity. This Lent may be a good time for us to reflect on what we can do differently in our lives that will impact how we deliver services to those in need, and the quality of our delivery.
Perhaps we can vow to pray for all in our network, if we are not doing so already. Ask our Father to keep us safe and sane as we go about our daily routines, serving the least of our brothers and sisters.
Coquese L. Williams, Director of Parish Social Ministry, Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas (Beaumont)