The Long Run PAC

Friend -

At midnight, we're closing the books on our October fundraising deadline. If you understand the urgency of this deadline and that’s all you need to hear, please use this link to donate:

Otherwise, please give me a chance to explain why your support is so important right now:

The House GOP has shown how vulnerable and divided they are within their own party over the last month. Without a care for the American people or their duty to legislate, they wasted 3 weeks of critical time in-fighting over who should be Speaker. And at the end of it, they elected the most extreme Speaker of the People’s House in modern history.

This is unacceptable. We elected our lawmakers to fight for the betterment of our country and our lives. Yet House Republicans made a mockery of our democratic process.

We are just about a year away from the 2024 election, and this election may be the most important of our lifetimes. Because it will determine the future of our democracy and whether America will yield to the MAGA House minority.

But we have the power, together, to protect fundamental rights and our democracy at the ballot box. Collectively, we CAN flip the House blue.

We have already endorsed and supported candidates that will help make that a reality — Sarah Klee Hood, Josh Riley, and Will Rollins. The path to winning the House majority runs through their races. But in order to continue supporting them, and other House candidates, we are going to need a lot of resources and hit our fundraising goals.

So I am asking:

Can you please contribute $3 or whatever you can afford to the Long Run today so we can continue supporting Democrats that will flip the House blue? Reaching our fundraising goals is critical to our success.

When I launched the Long Run, I knew I would need to count on folks like you — people who would continue to help build our movement for a better country. I hope you can step up today to make that a reality.

With gratitude,



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The Long Run PAC is funded by grassroots donors giving what they can, when they can. Make a contribution to The Long Run PAC today.

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Paid for by The Long Run PAC, P.O. Box 597
Milwaukee, WI 53201, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.