Making assumptions about the SHTF can help you to create a game plan and be better prepared. In this article, long-time contributor 1stMarineJarHead
shares some educated guesses about what we could face and references several folks from our own comments section!
History Lessons From Selco: The Anatomy of a Slow-Burning SHTF
What really happened to bring about Balkanization in the former Yugoslavia? A survivor of the Balkan war that erupted talks about what came before the war…and how that bears a strong resemblance to things going on today.
Selco: Survival Communities
Survival communities are the #1 topic people ask about when they talk to Selco. Learn his thoughts!
Selco: Civil Unrest & Riots
In a world where riots and unrest are ever more common, it’s more important than ever to know what to do. In this on-demand webinar, Selco Begovic talks with Toby Cowern and Daisy Luther about how to survive if you find yourself under the threat of chaos.
Here's our family recipe for Jack-o-Lantern pie! Check out what is more boringly known as egg-free pumpkin pie filling - a simple and thrifty recipe. LINK: