One week until the election
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Hello Democracy Defender,
If you have never phone banked before, if you are a seasoned phone banker or even if you have phone banked in the past and did not particularly enjoy the experience, we have a phone banking opportunity that we know you will love. ☎️
Sign up to Ballot Chase with Promote the Vote PA and we guarantee you will be glad you did. You will be talking with pro-democracy voters who have already decided to vote by mail and helping them get to the finish line.
With only ONE week until the 2023 General election, it’s the perfect time to get involved. You don’t need to be tech savvy and no prior experience is necessary. Promote the Vote PA uses a newer technology called Scale to Win and has phone banking every Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. Volunteers have found this phone bank to be a great experience with very clear training and support throughout the event. Many volunteers come back time and time again and become part of the Promote the Vote PA phone banking community.
There is still time to make a difference – click here ([link removed]) to sign up today!
Kelly Brown
PA State Lead
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The Union is a single issue, pro-democracy coalition. While the Union is supported in its launch by The Lincoln Project and the reach of their 7 million followers, we are an independent, volunteer-driven, self-organizing force of people, partners, and actions aligned in defense of our democracy.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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