Dear John,
Many Americans are shocked at the events of October 7th that continue to unfold today, but more of us should be shocked an attack like this didn’t happen sooner.
Israel is fighting for their right to exist while Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Palestinian militant groups are fighting to erase their existence.
Israel has coped with thousands of Hamas rockets and Hamas training exercises along the Israel-Gaza border for years now.
How long would it take for Congress to act if similar attacks were coming from Mexico?
Hundreds of thousands march daily in favor of a Pro-Hamas ‘Resistance’ demanding a Cease-Fire despite Hamas never honoring a single cease-fire.
This is a clash of civilizations! This is a clash between those who love and value life and those who praise butchery and murder.
What is even more shocking are the tens of thousands of foreigners and Americans marching in our streets in support of the Palestinian Hamas shouting death to the Jews and condemning America for standing with Israel against barbarism.
We can’t allow the hateful mob to shape our foreign policy and jeopardize our US support of our greatest ally in the Middle East.
We cannot allow Israel to carry the burden of defending the West against this shared enemy!
This same enemy has been flooding our borders, overstaying their visas, disappearing into our population, and operating out in the open on university campuses.
Iran’s Ayatollah calls America “The Great Satan” and Israel “The Little Satan” and regularly chants “Death to America, Death to Israel”.
I wrote my book "Because They Hate" to educate Americans about the threat we are facing and how Hamas and Hezbollah have set up cells right here in America. This is a must read! Get your autographed copy rushed to your door for a donation of $25 today!