John –

Before we close the books on October, I am hoping that Julie can count on your help.

She’s crisscrossing the state to make sure that we can elect and reelect DFLers at every level. This isn’t just election season work for her – Julie shows up whenever and wherever she can to help rally support.

She needs your help to keep this up. Can we count on you to contribute before October ends to power our campaign for the rest of the year?

It’s not just about winning. With the trifecta, the DFL has been able to make changes to help Minnesota families, seniors, and students. The state is on the right track.

And we have to keep it that way.

Please, support our efforts with a contribution before our October deadline at midnight tomorrow!

Thank you,

Chris Kluthe
Blaha for Auditor



Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States