Do you approve of President Biden?

President Biden
Yes, I approve! >>
No >>
Unsure >>
 **[email protected]RESPONSE MISSING**

Friend, President Biden made history when he united Democrats to pull off an AMAZING victory in 2020!

During his first two years in office, Biden got to work reversing Trump’s disastrous policies and passing his bold Democratic agenda.

Here are just a few of the INCREDIBLE things Biden and his administration have accomplished since 2020: 

✅ The Inflation Reduction Act;
✅ The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill;
✅ Helped control and combat the COVID‑19 pandemic;
✅ And signed the largest gun safety bill in OVER two decades!

But we know Trump and his MAGA cronies are doing everything they can to defeat President Biden and destroy his legacy!

Trump has been privately encouraging G.O.P lawmakers to impeach Biden.

We want to hear from you, Friend: Click here to begin your official President Biden approval poll now! >>

Do you approve of President Biden?

Yes, I approve! >>
No >>
Unsure >>

Your response is due by midnight.

Democratic Victory Project 

Paid for by March On PAC
Copyright 2023 March On PAC
9878 W Belleview Ave Ste 2009
Denver, CO 80123

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