Let me explain:

John —

I’m in a bit of a pickle, and I need your help.

We learned last week that my opponent Kevin Lincoln raised more money than any opponent I’ve faced while in office - and he was one of the top GOP fundraisers in the country thanks to pro-choice Republicans and special interests.

Now my team and I are trying to figure out what funds we have available to launch new ads ahead of our “top 2” primary, which is only a few months away.

The problem is that because of my opponent’s strong fundraising, I don’t know if we can spend as much as we’d like on voter outreach. I’ve told my team we can only move forward if we raise $10,000 before the end of the month tomorrow.

That’s why I’m coming to you, John. Will you make a rapid response donation before our deadline so we can reach voters without putting us in a fundraising hole against our opponent?

I’m dropping a custom ActBlue link here so I can personally thank everyone who helps us reach this goal.


Thanks for everything,

— Josh






Josh Harder for Congress
PO Box 4220
Manteca, CA 95337
United States
