
Comptroller Calls for School Funding Changes to Accommodate Asylum Seeker Enrollments

The comptroller is calling on the city’s education department, New York City Public Schools (NYCPS), to revamp its funding process to better prepare for incoming students throughout the school year, as asylum seekers continue finding home in New York City.

The city’s education department insists the funding system is flexible, but the comptroller and education advocates worry some schools won’t get what they need if ‘massive numbers’ of new students enroll later in the year.

Read the story.

NY Quietly Finalizes Housing Regulations Cheered By ‘Frankensteining’ Critics

If a landlord cuts into a regulated apartment to expand an unregulated one, the new, larger apartment will be regulated, subject to annual adjustments set by the Rent Guidelines Board, according to a recent series of amendments to state regulations.

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New Bill Would Require NYC Landlords to Distribute Flood Evacuation Plans

The legislation would require building owners to deliver the evacuation protocols to residents when they sign a lease, and maintain instructions on what to do in the event of a flood “in a common area of the building” for everyone to see.

Read more here.
Tenants at NYCHA’s Nostrand Houses Prepare for Historic Vote on the Future of their Homes

Following a 30-day voting period that starts Nov. 8, Nostrand could be the first New York City Housing Authority development to join the Preservation Trust, a new public entity that can issue bonds to fund repairs. Similar votes at other NYCHA campuses are expected to take place next year.

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City Views

Opinions & Analysis
Opinion: Legislating For Our Newest Immigrant Neighbors

“These bills are a common sense way to help new arrivals become self-sufficient and less dependent on costly city services. I hope that my colleagues of all political stripes can come together to support these operational fixes that will improve our city’s response to this challenging moment.”

Read the oped.

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Una Ciudad sin Límites

City Limits en Español
Se limita la estadía para familias inmigrantes en albergues, pero algunas ya están demasiado familiarizadas

En los últimos meses, cientos de familias de inmigrantes recién llegados con niños han estado sujetas a límites de estadía de 28 días en hoteles, ya que la ciudad insiste en que se ha quedado sin espacio para alojarlos. Leer el artículo.
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