Find out what kind of owl you are in this quiz!
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National Audubon Society
Clockwise from top left: Barn Owl, Great Horned Owl, Snowy Owl, and Spotted Owl.
What Kind of Owl Are You?
Who doesn’t love owls? There are more than 200 different kinds of owls all over the world, and North America is home to 19 of them. Each species of owl has different features and characteristics well-adapted to their environment. Although owls can look similar, their personalities are as different as night and day.

Find out which owl matches your personality with our quick quiz. Afterwards, share and compare results with your friends to see if you’re hooting the same language!
Whooo are you?
Photos clockwise from top left: Barn Owl, Rosemary Rawcliffe/Audubon Photography Awards; Great Horned Owl, Patrick Dennen/Audubon Photography Awards; Snowy Owl, Brian Kushner/Audubon Photography Awards; Spotted Owl, Sylvia Hunt/Audubon Photography Awards
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