We're face-to-face with an urgent matter that we can't turn a blind eye to. Did you know, in our nation's capital, fully developed infants lives are being taken? It's heartbreaking, yet so far, nothing's been done.
We have a petition aimed at stopping this. And exposing these crimes. Will you join us by signing our petition?
This petition calls for accountability. We're asking Attorney General Schwalb, Mayor Bowser, U.S. Attorney Graves, Assistant Attorney Baker and Police Chief Smith, to ensure Dr. Cesare Santangelo and the Washington Surgi-Clinic answer for their actions. We're not just talking about any actions. We're talking about the tragic loss of fully formed infants, victims of partial-birth abortions. It is time the Federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban of 2003 is upheld. Stand up and make your voice heard. Let's bring justice for the innocent.
Thank you for standing with us! Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. If you have already signed, please share the petition with your friends. Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 Demand justice for innocent lives lost! Sign now to urge Washington D.C. officials to hold Dr. Santangelo and Washington Surgi-Clinic accountable for partial-birth abortion victims. Uphold the Federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban of 2003 and protect the most vulnerable. Your voice matters – act now! SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
Something devestating is unfolding in Washington D.C. and it is high time we shone a light on it. In broad daylight, an unthinkable injustice has been overlooked. You see, in 2020, a group of nine pro-life activists launched a "rescue act" demonstration at the Washington Surgi-Clinic, aiming to draw attention to the deaths of five infants, apparently victims of partial-birth abortions. These brave souls now face hefty fines and lengthy prison sentences, all while the real tragedy – the deaths of these infants – fades into obscurity. These activists, now convicts, chose to break the federal law that prohibits blocking access to abortion clinics, not out of malicious intent, but to highlight a far graver violation: the death of fully formed infants. Yet the headlines focus solely on their trial, conveniently ignoring the clinic's violation of the Federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban of 2003. Now is the time to act, friend. While the media circus is enthralled by the trials, we must seize the moment to spotlight the violation committed by Dr. Cesare Santangelo and his staff. The bodies of these infants are in the hands of the police, who show no signs of investigating the deaths. We must act while the media is still highlighting these trials.
Stand with Us - Ensure the 2003 Federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban is Upheld
The Federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 is clear: it prohibits the killing of infants in the later part of gestation. Yet, the bodies of five fully formed infants are in the possession of the D.C. police, with no investigation in sight. Dr. Kathi Aultman, a board-certified OB-GYN and former abortionist, told that one of these babies "may very well have been born alive and then left to die." This friends, qualifies as infanticide - killing a newborn baby. It's time to hold Dr. Cesare Santangelo and the Washington Surgi-Clinic accountable for these heinous acts. The law is on our side, and so is public opinion, which abhors late-term abortion as barbaric and unconscionable.
Join us in demanding justice for these infants. Sign our petition.
The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 passed as a bipartisan measure, with both sides of the political aisle deeming late-term abortions as heinous. The law has been broken, and it must be upheld. If we can gather enough signatures, we can force an investigation into these deaths. If we succeed, we can prevent a grave injustice from being swept under the rug. Autopsies can be performed on the bodies to determine gestational age and cause of death. If the infants are found outside of the federally permissible abortion range, Dr. Santangelo and his staff could be held accountable for first-degree murder, vindicating the pro-life activists' bold stand. The clock is ticking. The more signatures we gather, the more pressure we exert, and the more likely justice will prevail.
Act now before it's too late. Thank you for standing for the innocent, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team --P.S. Once you've signed, please share this petition with as many people as possible. Together, we can make a difference!
More information:
Nine Defendants Indicted on Federal Civil Rights Conspiracy and Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act) Offenses for Obstructing Patients and Providers of a Reproductive Health Services Facility Five Defendants Convicted of Federal Civil Rights Conspiracy and Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act Offenses for Obstructing Access to a Reproductive Health Services Facility Doctors Say 5 Late-Term Aborted DC Babies Appear to Be Victims of Partial-Birth Abortion or Infanticide Pro-life group calls for investigation into the deaths of five aborted babies found in DC apartment 5 fetuses found in home of anti-abortion activist, D.C. police say Pro-life protesters could face up to 10 years in prison: ‘Political witch hunt’ DOJ is accusing pro-life activists for violating FACE Act Pro-life activists found guilty on conspiracy charges for 2020 'rescue action' at DC clinic Attorney for pro-life activists argued his clients didn't pre-plan a conspiracy to violate FACE Act Bodies of 5 Babies Who Were Brutally Killed by Abortion Found in D.C.