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Early voting has begun! Over the weekend, New Yorkers began casting their ballots for the General Election. The last day of Early Voting is on Sunday, November 5th.

Before heading to the polls, registered New York voters should confirm their early voting site as it may differ from their usual Election Day location. To find your early voting location, please check here (if you live in NYC, go here).
Find Your Polling Site Here
Over the past year, vulnerable New Yorkers endured many hardships and obstacles. The City of NY continues to gut New Yorkers’ right to shelter protections, not caring that winter is right around the corner and what that means for homeless people and families.

With the cost of living rising—and half of NYC households not able to afford to live here—it is important we vote to elect officials who are going to fight for every New Yorker!

Now it is time for us to show up to the polls and vote at the ballot box.
In power,

Murad Awawdeh
Executive Director

Find Your Polling Site Here
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New York Immigration Coalition · 131 W 33rd St Ste 610 · New York, NY 10001-2967 · USA