— Featured —
CONFIRMED: President Trump to Speak at RJC Annual Leadership Meeting
We are delighted to confirm that President Donald Trump will speak during the RJC’s Annual Leadership Meeting in Las Vegas for the second straight year!
The President will appear at the RJC’s Pro-Israel Appreciation Event to Thank President Trump on March 14, where some 2,000 pro-Israel Republicans will gather to express their support for the President and for his unwaveringly strong pro-Israel policies.
There is still time to register for the Annual Leadership Meeting <[link removed]> (open to RJC Leaders and guests) and for the event with President Trump (open to RJC members and friends - click here <[link removed]> and use the code “Reagan”).
President Trump’s support for Israel is one reason the RJC expects to see Trump win even more of the Jewish vote in 2020 than he did in 2016. A recent poll for the Jewish Electorate Institute found that President Trump would get 30% of the Jewish vote against any of the top Democratic primary contenders and that 51% of American Jews approve of Trump’s handling of US-Israel relations. Among Jewish Republicans, Trump received an 81% approval rating.
In response to the poll, RJC Executive Director Matt Brookstold the Jewish Insider <[link removed]>:
These results are consistent with what we’ve been saying since the start of this campaign that President Trump will significantly increase the share of the Jewish vote from where he was in 2016. It was only a few months ago when many pundits in the Jewish community were projecting that Trump would get the lowest share of the Jewish vote of any president in history, and now multiple polls are showing that he’s going to get one of the highest percentages of the Jewish vote in modern elections.
Another reason President Trump’s numbers are trending upward in the Jewish community is the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic ideology displayed by left-wing Democrats, including one of the Democratic Party front-runners, Bernie Sanders.
In an interview this week, Matt Brooks spoke about <[link removed]> the risk our community would face from a President Sanders and about the RJC’s role in increasing the Republican share of the Jewish vote over time:
[There is] a lot riding on this [election] in terms of the Jewish community,” Brooks said. ‘We run the risk, if Bernie Sanders is the nominee, of having an election in which we potentially trade in the most pro-Israel president in the history of this country for the first enemy-of-Israel president in this country… For those who care about the US-Israel relationship, for those who care about supporting our most important ally in the region, Bernie Sanders would be an absolutely unmitigated disaster.
...After the 1992 election, when George H. W Bush got eleven percent of the Jewish vote, we started at the Republican Jewish Coalition to invest heavily in outreach to the Jewish community,” Brooks recalled. “As a result, the [Republican] share of the Jewish vote has increased steadily since then, to the point where we were getting eleven percent of the Jewish vote, and we’ve now got about two and a half to three [times] that.
Between 2016 and 2012, you know, we’re somewhere between 25 and 30 percent of the Jewish vote, which is a huge increase and a significant erosion of support for [Democrats from] the Jewish community.
I will tell you that I am confident that in 2020, President Trump — no matter who the Democrat nominee will be, and especially if it’s Bernie Sanders — will increase [his] support among Jewish voters and do better among Jewish voters in 2020 than 2016.
Trump Wins Big on Super Tuesday
Super Tuesday showed that Joe Biden could still win delegates, that California loves Bernie Sanders, and that it was time for the other few Democrat candidates left standing to bow out. Kayleigh McEnany, the national press secretary for President Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign, contends that the media missed one big story of the day: President Donald Trump’s record-breaking vote counts and turnout. She writes <[link removed]> at The Hill :
Despite being an uncontested incumbent, President Trump managed to break several turnout and vote-count records in blue states and key swing states.
In Vermont and Minnesota, Trump’s vote totals beat every past incumbent’s total in the last four decades. In Maine, the president’s vote total bested every primary candidate’s total since before President Ronald Reagan. In Massachusetts, the story was similar, with Trump aggregating a higher vote total than past incumbent Republicans since before Reagan.
…Turnout numbers similarly showcased the enthusiasm of Republican voters. In Colorado, for example, Republican turnout for Trump on Tuesday was greater than the past three Republican primaries combined.
Pence Makes the Case for Trump
In other news this week, Vice President Mike Pence spoke at the AIPAC policy conference. JNS reports <[link removed]>:
“We must ensure that the most pro-Israel president in history must not be replaced by one who would be the most anti-Israel president in the history of this nation,” said Pence at the annual AIPAC Policy Conference, where he slammed Sanders for calling Israel “a racist state” and defaming AIPAC as “a platform for bigotry.”
…Pence also said that “anti-Semitism is anti-Zionism.”
In his speech, Pence touted Trump’s pro-Israel achievements, including recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moving the US embassy there; withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal; closing the PLO mission in Washington, DC; defunding US assistance to the Palestinian Authority for rewarding terrorists and their families; defunding US funding for UNRWA; combatting anti-Israel bias at the United Nations; deeming Israeli neighborhoods in the West Bank as not illegal; signing an executive order to combat anti-Semitism on college campuses; and eliminating Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
The Vice President also touted the administration’s maximum pressure campaign on Iran in holding it “accountable for its destructive actions” and pledged that “America will never allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon.”
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The Best Weekend of the Year is Almost Here!
March 13-15 in Las Vegas
Join us to welcome President Donald Trump, Ambassador Nikki Haley and a host of other Republican VIPs at the RJC Annual Leadership Meeting! Where else can you hear from Governors, Senators, Congressmen, and Ambassadors all in one weekend? Only with the RJC!
Visit RJCVegasMeeting.org <[link removed]> for details and reservations. (This event is open to RJC Leaders; Leadership dues begin at the $1,000 donor level.)
• The Republican Jewish Coalition is hiring field staff for our advocacy efforts in support of President Donald Trump’s reelection in various battleground states.CLICK HERE <[link removed]> for details and application information.
• The RJC PAC has endorsed a terrific slate of House and Senate incumbents, and we need them to continue their work on Capitol Hill! CLICK HERE to donate through the RJC PAC portal and show your support for our great candidates! <[link removed]>
And don't forget your RJC/Trump kippah!
Our extremely popular red Trump kippah is now for sale for just $18. This includes shipping and handling. Supplies are limited.
BUY YOUR KIPPAH HERE. <[link removed]>
— Short Takes —
House Dems Block Anti-BDS Bill <[link removed]>House Democrats on Wednesday blocked the consideration of a bill, sponsored by Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), that would have prohibited domestic support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The bill would have established Congress's opposition to the BDS movement and condemned the United Nations "blacklist" of companies that do business in the West Bank. Lawmakers voted along party lines to defeat the consideration of the bill by a margin of 219 to 194. Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) commented on the vote here <[link removed]>.
Pompeo promises to protect US businesses in Israeli-controlled West Bank <[link removed]>
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday put United Nations member states on notice against punishing American companies operating in the Israeli-controlled West Bank. Six US companies were among the 100 businesses identified in a report published last month by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions ‘Snapback’ <[link removed]>
Iran's stockpiling of highly enriched uranium is raising new questions about the scope of its undisclosed nuclear work and the efficacy of soon-to-be-lifted restrictions on its missile program.
Israelophobia and the West: The Hijacking of Civil Discourse on Israel and How to Rescue It <[link removed]>
The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs has published a new study that is worthy of your attention. It includes essays by Professor Alan Dershowitz, Ambassador Dr. Dore Gold, Khaled Abu Toameh, and NatanSharansky, among others. You can download the book as a PDF here <[link removed]>.
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Sandy Springs, GA - March 8, 2020
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Las Vegas, NV - March 13-15, 2020
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Bala Cynwyd, PA - March 22, 2020
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Beachwood, OH - March 29, 2020
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