Want to forage for wild food? It’s easy when you live in a wild place, but city dwellers don’t have to be left out of the fun.
Today, I'd
like to introduce a new member of our team here at The OP, Lyza Hayn. In this article, she shares five plants to look for just about anywhere.
Have you ever foraged any of the food mentioned here? Do
you have any tips for other forages? Are there other wild edibles you recommend that are easy to find anywhere?
Let's discuss it in the comments section! And please, give Lyza a warm OP welcome! 🙂
Prepping costs money. Everyone knows that, even the most staunch I'll-Never-Be-A-Doomsday-Prepper-Why-Don't-You-Live-A-Little co-worker you might have.
So, in this economy, under these conditions, how are you supposed to get prepared for the Next Big Catastrophe? Is it even possible?
Gardening season is winding down for most of us. As the nights become colder, you might be wondering when it’s time to pull up what. Here's how to put your garden to bed.