I'll start with the good news:

Thanks to grassroots Democrats like you who stepped up to help me reach my critical goal last quarter, we OUTRAISED Rick Scott by six figures!

This is a major victory for our movement. It proves what I’ve always known: This people-powered team has what it takes to defeat my opponent and save our Senate majority. And I couldn't be more grateful to have you alongside me — thank you.

But here's the thing: We can't afford to lose even an ounce of momentum before my end-of-month deadline.

Rick Scott is one of the wealthiest members of the Senate. He can dip into his multi-million-dollar fortune — or reach out to his far-right megadonors — whenever his campaign account is running low.

But Scott won't risk a repeat of last quarter, and I'm already up against an onslaught of multi-million dollar attack ads. That's why I've set an ambitious $150,000 end-of-month goal to fight back — and I won't be able to hit it without your help.

Rick Scott thinks he can buy this seat — just like he did in 2018. It's up to us to show him that on Election Day corporate dollars don't decide the winner — people do.

So please: Will you split $15 or more between my campaign and Serve America to help me meet my $150,000 goal, defeat Rick Scott, and flip Florida Blue?

With gratitude,
