The Urgent Imperative for Moral
Dear Friend,
What did the Lord really mean when
He told His disciples that “the gates of hell” would “not prevail”
against His Church (Matthew 16:18)? It is commonly interpreted as the
promise of Christ to His Bride that the devil would never be able to
destroy her.
That’s a solid interpretation, and
we would all be wise to place our total confidence in the Lord’s
protective promise.
But there is another possible
interpretation, and here I want you to think of the People of Israel
before the gates of Jericho. Those gates didn’t “prevail” against the divine power of God did they? In
fact, the entire wall of the city fell down when the people came
against it! And the point of that sword was a mighty spiritual warrior
named Joshua.
The first interpretation above is
defensive. It speaks about God’s protective power residing in the
heart of His Church. The second interpretation is offensive, in a
military sense. It speaks of the spiritual power of the Church
Militant to come against and destroy spiritual strongholds— “gates”—of evil, if you will.
Some are not comfortable with the
idea of an “aggressive” approach to religion, which is supposed to be
comforting and peaceful. I get that, and the Church certainly is that,
most of the time.
But I also try to read the full
biblical record on such matters, and there is plenty of evidence for
“spiritual warfare” in the Church’s founding document, not the least
of which is the story of Jericho. We can read that story as a sort of
premonition about the Church’s mission to fight the power of evil in
the world.
Rather than lengthy descriptions, I
prefer just to cite scripture references that detail the “militant”
nature of the Church based upon the example of our Founder. It’s all
pretty clear that the Church is a kind of spiritual army, by design.
See Acts 10:38; 2 Cor 10:4; Eph 6, especially verse 17; 1 Tim 1:18,
6:12; 2 Tim 2:3; 1 John 3:8, not to mention the great battles of
Revelation, among others.
So, what does all this have to do
with moral clarity? Simple.
Amid the global chaos we are
experiencing today, the enemy has clearly taken over the key areas of
culture, and the apostles of evil are carrying out their plan of moral
and societal destruction as we speak. Everywhere we look we see
extreme criminal activity, ethical compromise, corruption of the most
important institutions, deliberate moral ambiguity, spiritual
confusion, and utterly twisted notions of right and wrong.
If you need more evidence of all this wickedness, just watch
the news! Ultimately, these organized forces of evil are bent on the
destruction of souls, and quite frankly, they appear to
be winning the battle.
In the face of all this evil, what
we need is a Church that has returned to battle mode. Every time the
Church fights evil, it ultimately prevails. It must. It has the power
of God behind its every act. That is the fruit of the promise of
Christ that the “gates of hell” will not hold out against the
onslaught of truth, beauty, and goodness, which are the proper
spiritual weapons of the Church.
But one gets the distinct
impression that the Church isn’t fighting back—at all. It has laid
down its weapons and renounced the battle. Not only is it not
“fighting the good fight”, most days, it’s not even on the battlefield!
Today the aggressive workers of
spiritual evil are perverting the very moral fabric of society, even
to the point of seducing vulnerable children into changing
Where are the spiritual leaders
shouting in the streets the prophecy of Isaiah: “Woe to those who call evil good and good
evil, who change darkness to light and light to
darkness” (Isaiah
And it’s not only the Islamic
terrorists who are beheading babies. Planned Parenthood and the
abortion industry have been doing it for fifty years—right in our back
Where are our spiritual leaders
rebuking the aggressive killers of the innocent: “Thou shalt not kill” (Ex 20:13)?
Building up a moral foundation for
a whole society—and in fact for all Western Civilization, which is the
Church’s legacy—takes time. It is the work of many generations of
saints and souls who faithfully hand on the Gospel message to
A moral foundation is the kind of
thing that can’t be built in a day, but it can be destroyed overnight.
Which is exactly what we see happening before our very
The crisis of moral clarity we are
experiencing today is because the Church has yet to enter the
battle. We don’t need
another committee to examine the problem or more commentators telling
us how bad things have gotten. We already know that.
We need spiritual warriors,
as St. Thomas Aquinas once said: to refute the madness of
heretics, which are rightly called “the gates of
hell” and knock them down.
Truly the only force that can stop
this tsunami of evil is the “One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic
Church”, which is the only Church founded directly by Jesus Christ
Himself. It was established—literally—to fight evil.
Our spiritual leaders need to pick
up their weapons and fight the good fight!
Your fellow warrior in

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action for Faith and
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P.S. Stay-tuned in
the coming weeks as Catholic Action for Faith and Family mounts a
coordinated response to these alarming trends anchored by Operation
Storm Heaven, the largest worldwide spiritual crusade lead by His
Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke to storm Heaven with prayer namely of
praying the Holy Rosary on the 1st of every month. If you have not submitted
your intentions for Nov. 1, please take this opportunity now.