VIOLATION 1st Offense: $5,000 Fine 2nd Offense: $10,000 Fine Urgent Alert, John... The judge in President Trump's New York case just slapped him with a second fine related to the bogus gag order that has been placed on him. Pres. Trump is now facing TWO gag orders in separate cases and has been fined TWICE for refusing to go along with them! Biden and his weaponized justice system are trying everything silence Pres. Trump and put him away, John, and it's unconstitutional! is the leading anti-Joe Biden organization fighting against this corrupt DOJ weaponization. We're working to elect Pres. Trump and we need your help to be a voice for him in the face of these gag orders. They're not going to stop trying to silence Pres. Trump, so we're issuing a call to all patriots to help amplify Pres. Trump's voice and show Biden & the corrupt justice system that they can't silence us. - DJT Defense Team
The Committee to Defeat the President ( is a grassroots-funded effort dedicated to stopping Joe Biden and (as they would say) "resisting" the Democrat Party's radical socialist agenda.
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