Folks, after September was our strongest fundraising month of the entire year, we are disheartened to report that we are falling short of our fundraising goal this month.
And our final big fundraising deadline before Election Day is TUESDAY.
So, we’re sounding the alarms and assembling this team. Can you chip in anything you can afford before Tuesday at midnight to help us reach our end-of-month goal and get back on track to help Virginia Democrats prepare for the November 7th election?

The best way we can support Democrats across the Commonwealth is to hit our monthly goals. This gives us the ability to reach voters all across the state by knocking on doors, calling and texting, and helping people with important questions like: Where is my polling place?
It also allows us to inform voters why this election is so important and share with them what issues are on the ballot this year, but the only way we can give that support to all of our volunteers and VA Dems in this final week is by hitting our fundraising goal.
We only have TWO DAYS left before our deadline, so please, contribute anything you can to help us prepare for victory next month >>>
We cannot stress enough how important your donation is to this team.
Thank you for being with us every step of the way,
Team Warner