we need a Democratic Senate majority to have the last word on abortion

Whitehouse for Senate


Virginia and Ohio voters will head to the polls in state elections next week, and reproductive rights will be on the ballot. In Virginia, Democrats are battling to take control of the General Assembly and prevent the GOP from passing an abortion ban. In Ohio, voters will decide on a ballot initiative that would enshrine reproductive rights in the state’s constitution.

Let’s remember that these states wouldn’t be in this position if it weren’t for the right-wing donors who spent millions to stack the Supreme Court with the radical (and obedient) justices who overturned Roe.

I’m hopeful that voters in Virginia and Ohio will stand up for reproductive freedom at the ballot box and stop Republicans from pushing their extreme anti-abortion agenda.

But even if Democrats secure hard-fought wins at the state level, we’re at risk of a national abortion ban if Republicans gain control of the Senate in 2024.

We must expand our Democratic Senate majority if we want to codify Roe v. Wade into law and protect access to abortion once and for all. So I’m asking: Will you donate $5 before our October fundraising deadline to send me back to the Senate so we can get it done?

Thank you,

Sheldon Whitehouse





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