![]() Patriot, The U.S. Senate adjourned on Thursday before getting to the Audit the Fed amendment. They are expected back from their perennially long weekend on Monday afternoon. Meanwhile in the House, after nearly three weeks, Republicans finally chose a new Speaker, Mike Johnson of Louisiana. There are some reasons to be hopeful. The simple fact Johnson is one of the most “inexperienced” speakers in history, having not been through years of assimilation by the Washington Swamp on a long road to power – coming seemingly out of nowhere – is promising. But he simply hasn’t been tested yet. We are reserving judgment. He will be tested soon enough. In fact, we can think of no better litmus test than this: Will House Speaker Mike Johnson support Audit the Fed? ![]() Right now, the Washington Swamp is scrambling to co-opt the new Speaker and do everything possible to get back to "business as usual" – unprecedented spending, endless wars, and so on. But if Mike Johnson wants to prove he is "the real deal," he needs to make sure there is a committee hearing on our Audit the Fed bill (H.R. 24) NOW and then a floor vote. You and I need to make sure Speaker Johnson understands the problems with the Fed, and you and I need to make sure he does
everything in his power to get a vote on the House floor. Mike Johnson needs to know the Federal Reserve has always been the fundamental problem with our financial system. The truth is, whether it’s never-ending Big Government boondoggles – or one foreign policy misadventure after another – the Federal Reserve has fueled everything you and I HATE about Washington, D.C. for decades. Politicians in BOTH parties have figured out the Fed will just print money out of thin air to pay the bills when taxing and borrowing doesn’t make ends meet. So politicians keep spending money we don’t have – convinced nothing bad will ever happen. The problem is economic chickens ALWAYS come home to roost. And the day of reckoning is just around the corner and could ultimately wipe out every last shred of American wealth. Demand Speaker Mike Johnson PROVE he’s up to the task of fixing our financial system and AUDIT the FED! ![]() As we have repeatedly warned, the Biden administration and the Federal Reserve want to fast-track the implementation of a Central Bank Digital Currency: computerized money the government can use to spy on you and confiscate at will. That’s why it’s so critical we put the Fed on defense – to keep them from continuing their offense against what remains of our financial freedom and privacy. And nothing makes the banksters more nervous than Ron Paul’s legislation to Audit the Fed! That’s why auditing the Fed – striking at the heart of the Washington, D.C. Leviathan – is so critical. If passed, Audit the Fed would finally show the American people the Federal Reserve System leads to: >>> Ever-expanding Big Government boondoggles like ObamaCare and the Covid bailouts. Now that politicians have figured out the Fed will just print money out of thin air to pay the bills if taxing and borrowing can’t make ends meet, the floodgates are wide open for even more of the statists’ utopian plans. >>> Constant economic crises The 2008 housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation. Today, inflation is out of control, and the stock market is a bubble on the verge of bursting. >>> The destruction of the middle class As food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money sinks. >>> Currency destruction History shows us riots, violence, and a full-scale police state can result when people finally realize their money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and businesses REFUSE to accept it. By sending your e-postcard to Speaker Mike Johnson, you’re putting him on notice that we expect results. Kevin McCarthy was evicted from the Speaker’s chair because he promised to change things for the better in Washington, but he broke his promises. You and I need to get Mike Johnson to start on the right foot. Tell Mike Johnson to Audit the Fed! ![]() Then, if possible, I hope you’ll pitch in with a contribution to help Campaign for Liberty generate the type of massive grassroots uprising that Mike Johnson can’t ignore. This project takes time, resources, and money. After you sign your Audit the Fed petition, can you make a generous donation of $100, $50, or $25? I know a lot’s been asked of Campaign for Liberty supporters like you lately. But the impact of even a modest contribution of $25 today will make a difference. We don’t get government handouts. As a non-profit organization, Campaign for Liberty depends on the generosity of good folks like you for everything we do – and it’s times like these that make me most concerned nothing will stop our nation’s slide toward more authoritarianism without it. Let’s keep the momentum going! For Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director P.S. The Fed’s economic meddling is only leading to prices skyrocketing ever higher. We face the complete destruction of American wealth unless they’re exposed. That’s why Campaign for Liberty is going after the heart of the statists’ and global elites’ power base – the Federal Reserve itself. So please sign the e-postcard I’ve prepared for you demanding Mike Johnson hold hearings and quickly pass Audit the Fed. And if possible, please consider pitching in with a generous contribution of $100, $50, or $25 and help spread this message as widely as you can today! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s
Patriot Club with a monthly contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special
giveaways autographed by Ron Paul. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty
is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a
constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |