With our October deadline coming up the day after tomorrow, I want to take a second to tell you a little bit about what your contributions help us accomplish.
With the primary in March and nearly a year to go until Election Day, things are going to start moving quickly and our outreach efforts will pick up.
We will be contacting voters and gathering support, hosting block walks, postcard parties, phonebanking, and more to get the word out about the stakes in this election! We will put mail in mailboxes, signs in yards, and ads where we need them. And, as you know by now, all of those things require money.
That’s what your contributions go toward.
#TeamLizzie is also engaged in other important races on the ballot—not just ours!
We’re supporting other Democratic candidates across the district, state, and country so that we can win back the House and give Texans the leaders they need and deserve at every level of government.
One thing you can do right now to help is make a contribution before our October 31 deadline. Every dollar supports all we are doing and will do between now and Election Day.
Talk soon,