A STARVING polar bear lumbers over the crumbling ice shelf. Her hungry cubs follow close behind. She’s searching for food, but their hunting grounds are RAPIDLY melting away!

The Arctic is warming TWICE as fast as the rest of the world, Friend. The local Indigenous Gwich’in people are seeing the ecosystem they depend on wither away. Local wildlife like polar bears and caribou are struggling. Oil and gas drilling are pushing the Arctic and its inhabitants to the brink.

The good news is that President Biden recently announced new actions to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. But there are still remaining loopholes that could allow oil and gas drilling in these fragile habitats! Please, Friend, tell the Biden Administration to ensure there can be NO OIL and GAS DRILLING in the Arctic! We need 1,992 more signatures from your area to help PROTECT people and wildlife!

In addition to the immediate threat of drilling, the resulting greenhouse gas emissions are seriously concerning. The Arctic includes critical habitat for many species, including migratory birds, brown bears, polar bears, walruses, and more – but these habitats could MELT AWAY with continued drilling.

Indigenous communities have been leading the effort to protect the Arctic from greedy fossil fuel companies. Their way of life is deeply tied to the health of the land and the wildlife in the region. But the Biden Administration’s new rules failed to address the impacts oil and gas development on this communities’ livelihoods, and the loopholes leave room for fossil fuel development. Will you take just 30 seconds RIGHT NOW to tell President Biden no drilling in the Arctic? >>

Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Senior Fossil Fuel and Lands Campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
