After dropping 12,000 tons of bombs on Gaza—the size of the nuclear bomb that the U.S. dropped on Hiroshima—the Israeli military said it was “expanding” ground invasion actions yesterday, then destroyed Gaza’s Internet and phone service.
As a Palestinian in the West Bank said: “We’ve been seeing these horrible things and massacres when it’s live on TV, so now what will happen when there’s a total blackout?”
We need an immediate ceasefire, but the White House and Congress continue to unconditionally support the Israeli government’s genocidal actions.
Please join me, elected officials from across the country, and humanitarian organizations for a virtual conversation about the crisis in Gaza and the urgent work to save lives. Click here and use this link for TOMORROW's Ceasefire Now event, Sunday at 8 pm ET .
Once you click the link above, use this passcode to join the call: 102023

The Biden administration has been sending more weapons and troops to support the Israeli military’s massacres of Palestinians. Next week, Congress is set to vote on sending billions more U.S. taxpayer dollars to Israel’s military.
They do not represent the American people. The majority of Americans are with us in supporting immediate de-escalation and a ceasefire.
For days and weeks, people have been protesting in die-ins on Capitol Hill and in their communities across the country. Thousands of Jewish anti-war advocates have come to Washington DC, and on Friday hundreds of Jewish protesters were arrested while demonstrating for a ceasefire in New York City’s Grand Central Terminal.
I am proud to stand in solidarity with Jewish peace advocates—and U.S. residents of all backgrounds—who are calling for a ceasefire and an end to the violence.
It's time for President Biden and Congress to support our Ceasefire Now Resolution to save lives.
Please join me, elected officials, and humanitarian organizations TOMORROW at 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT for a National Call for a Ceasefire Now. Groups working to save lives will speak on what you can do to help people in Gaza and the region.
Thank you,
P.S. With millions of lives at stake, please continue to attend protests near you and demand your members of Congress call for a ceasefire.