Adam Frisch lost to Lauren Boebert by in 2022. It was the closest race in the entire country.



That’s how many votes Adam Frisch lost to Lauren Boebert by in 2022. It was the closest race in the entire country.


That’s how much Lauren Boebert has in her campaign war chest thanks to the corporate PACs and special interests supporting her angertainment circus in Washington.


That’s how much we’re asking you to donate today to help Adam Frisch defeat Lauren Boebert in 2024 and finally restore some sanity to Congress.

We know $5 might not seem like much against all of Boebert’s corporate PAC money and the Super PACs supporting her. But combined with tens of thousands of other grassroots donations, your gift now is what will propel Adam to victory and finally kick Lauren Boebert out of Congress.

We’ve set a goal of raising another $350,000 before our end-of-month fundraising deadline so we can start our campaign strong, and with your $5 now, we know we can hit our goal, help Adam defeat Lauren Boebert, and win in 2024.

Will you do your part now? Please, if you’re able to, chip in $5 or whatever you can afford now to help Adam Frisch defeat Lauren Boebert. This was the closest race in the country in 2022; it could be even closer in 2024.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Together, with grassroots donors from across the country, your gift now will help Adam win and finally end Lauren Boebert’s political career.

Thank you so much for chipping in what you can,

Team Frisch