Hey there, folks. It's John Hickenlooper, again. 

The response to our March issues survey has been overwhelming, so I wanted to personally reach out to ask you one more time to submit your feedback before we close it tomorrow evening. 

Can you take a quick moment to tell me what issues matter most to you in this campaign? It would mean a lot to me if you did.


— John 

Team -- 

This week, I’ll be sitting down with my team to go over our priorities and strategy for the next couple months. Before we do, it’s important to me that I get your feedback.

While my opponent is busy being Donald Trump’s favorite yes-man, my top priority is making sure this campaign is about you and fighting for your interests in Washington.

I wish I could sit down and grab coffee (or a cold beer) with each and every one of you to hear about your concerns. But the next-best way for me to know what’s on your mind is through my quick priorities survey.

Will you take a few minutes (two, tops!) to let me know what issues matter most to you in this race?

Now more than ever, we must come together to build a winning movement to give Colorado a leader they can trust to do what’s right. But the only way we’ll win is if we set our priorities and follow through on them together.

Your feedback is extremely important to me, so I really hope you’ll take some time to fill out my survey today.

Thanks. I’ll be in touch soon.

— John