John —
In a little over a week polls will close in Ohio, where Our Revolution staff, volunteers, and activists have been organizing turnout efforts for the Yes on 1 Campaign to enshrine abortion rights into the state constitution. If we lose this election, abortion will be illegal in Ohio.
As usual, on the other side of the fight are extremists with deep pockets who are willing to say whatever they need to get their way. They’ve been lying nonstop about what this law will actually do, and we’re worried that it’s confusing voters (which is exactly what they want).
This is where you come in. The best way to combat their lies is to make sure we have as many one-on-one conversations with voters as possible to lay out the stakes and clear up any confusion. As the biggest progressive turnout organization in the country, this is what Our Revolution does best.
We are trying to raise $5,000 by midnight tomorrow to make sure we have the resources we need for voter turnout and we have about $2,300 left to raise. Can you pitch in now?
If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation to Our Revolution will process immediately.
Winning in Ohio will give us the momentum we need to keep taking back our right to abortions state by state. Losing this fight will only empower the cruelty of our opponents. Please stand with us today!
Amanda Nichols
Our Revolution
