People from every corner of Ohio have joined Team Ohio Dems over the past year to help fight for our reproductive rights. 88 counties in Ohio and we have dedicated supporters in every single one.
It’s what makes this a truly grassroots movement.
Unlike Republicans in the Buckeye state, we don’t want special interests to make our decisions for us. We believe Ohioans should be in charge.
But that means while the GOP has millions of special interest dollars to launch misleading ads on Issue 1, mess with our ballot language, and disrupt our democratic process through tricky voter suppression tactics, we rely on your donations to fight back.
According to our finance team, we still need 5 donors from xxxxxx to step up and pitch in towards our final end-of-month goal before the election. Can you help us reach our goal for October by donating $5 today? >>
Thank you,
Ohio Dems
A reproductive rights initiative is on the Ohio ballot this November. Can Ohio Democrats count on you to chip in $5, $10, or whatever you can to help fuel our fight to protect reproductive rights in our state constitution? →