Mike Johnson, the new Speaker of the House, is extremely dangerous.
In his first speech as Speaker, he took dead aim at our Social Security system, demanding the “immediate” creation of a commission to cut Social Security and Medicare behind closed doors.
Government funding expires on November 17th, and every indication is that Johnson and his fellow Republicans will demand a commission to cut benefits as the price of keeping the government open.
This is an extremely perilous time for Social Security and Medicare. Rush a donation to Social Security Works as we make sure our allies know: A vote for a deficit commission is a vote to cut Social Security!
The whole point of creating a commission is that politicians don’t want the American people to hold them responsible. A commission is not a neutral body. Republicans will stack it with anti-Social Security zealots to ensure that its recommendations will meet their desired outcome―tax cuts for the rich, Social Security cuts for the rest of us.
We know what we need to do: Stop this commission before it is created. We can do that if we all stand together, and tell our members of Congress with one voice: A vote for a commission is a vote to destroy Social Security and Medicare!
Wall Street is spending millions on lobbyists pushing for a commission. Some Democrats are wavering. We need to get every politician in line with the American people. Donate $7 to demand HANDS OFF SOCIAL SECURITY!
Thank you,
Michael Phelan Social Security Works