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  Citizens' Climate Lobby and Citizens' Climate Education  

2023 Impact Report

As we look back on this year, I am really proud of the progress that we’ve made together at Citizens’ Climate. Please take a moment to celebrate our 2023 impact (so far), which is summarized below. Thank you for being a part of our team, and for building a livable world with us.

Mark Reynolds
Interim Executive Director

CCL Volunteers taking a group selfie on Capitol Hill


Climate impacts and congressional action 🗞️

The hottest summer on record, Canadian wildfires, and more powerful extreme weather events all dotted the headlines in 2023. But there was good news too, and here are the highlights:

In addition, our volunteers published or appeared in:

CCL's Dana Nucitelli speaking into a handheld mic


Permitting reform is a hot topic ⚡️

Permitting reform has been the biggest climate conversation in this Congress. It has the potential to reduce 2030 emissions by 12% per year by making it easier to build new clean energy projects. Several incremental solutions became law in August, and we are building the groundwork for a large bipartisan permitting reform package next year. We just briefed the House Climate Solutions Caucus - where 29 Republicans and 29 Democrats work together - on this vital issue!

But that's not all

The Energy Innovation Act was reintroduced

The carbon pricing conversation is alive and well. Rep. Carbajal (D-CA) introduced the Energy Innovation Act with an audience of our volunteers in September. We're growing the popularity of this bill, and any other good carbon pricing legislation, to make sure this policy solution gets the traction for long-term viability.

The 2024 Farm Bill presents a big opportunity for forestry

The 2024 Farm bill is an opportunity that comes up every 5 years. We’re gearing up to include climate-smart forestry provisions by recruiting co-sponsors for bipartisan legislation now.

We’re chipping away with smaller, pragmatic climate wins

We’ve passed six bipartisan “supporting asks” in the last three years, and we’re keeping up a steady drumbeat of support for bills like the PROVE IT Act and the Increased TSP Access Act.


Through climate instability, our work remains steady 🤝

So far in 2023, we’ve recruited 17,000 new supporters, engaged with 1,800 grassroots events, and held 880 constituent meetings with Congress. See our full action report here (please log in to CCL Community to view the report).

Our staff at work

Constituents on the hill

Our events team organized the first post-COVID lobby day in D.C. to showcase our constituent power. Almost 900 constituents held 436 lobby meetings in one day!

Conservative climate leadership

Our conservative outreach team showed Congressional Republicans that conservatives mean business with the 3rd annual conservative climate leadership conference.

Multi-policy curriculum

Our research and education teams developed a library of resources and educational content for our expanded policy agenda.

Copyright © 2023 Citizens' Climate Lobby
Our address is 1330 Orange Ave #309, Coronado, CA 92118, USA

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