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At Shift WA, our mission is to keep you informed about issues that truly matter to our state, to help shift the direction of our state. We're dedicated to ensuring you have the latest news and updates for informed decisions that impact your family's future.
Throughout our history we've closely followed Washington Democrats' attempts to impose a state income tax on our state. The state Supreme Court recently helped them by redefining "income" to justify an income tax on capital gains. The Wall Street Journal just picked up on a legal filing that could send the case to the U.S. Supreme Court (only two weeks after our initial report on it).
When you read Shift WA, you can trust that you are getting the latest, important news, often before it gets picked up by mainstream news outlets.
Your support helps us stay your up-to-date source for state news. Please consider contributing $100, $50, or $25 to help us continue our crucial work.
Thank you,
The Shift Team
In recent years, we've kept you updated on the attempts by Washington Democrats to impose a state income tax, an issue that strikes at our state’s very constitution.
Shift Washington

We here at Shift WA are dedicated to keeping you informed about the issues that truly matter to people across our state. Our mission is to ensure that you are well-equipped with the latest news and updates, so you can make informed decisions and take action to shift the direction of our state.
In recent years, we've kept you updated on the attempts by Washington Democrats to impose a state income tax, an issue that strikes at our state’s very constitution. Despite voters rejecting such a tax multiple times at the ballot, we've unfortunately seen our state Supreme Court redefine the simple meaning of “income” to justify a state income tax on capital gains, a faulty decision which is being pushed to the attention of the U.S. Supreme Court. 
It certainly got the attention of the Wall Street Journal, which noted a legal brief filed with the court by the Washington Policy Center (just a couple weeks after we here at Shift WA shared it with our readers).
As our readers know, Governor Jay Inslee played a significant role in the passage of a state income tax, starting with capital gains. Inslee and his fellow Democrats’ attempts to claim the tax is an excise tax prompted the Journal to comment, "creativity and lawmaking rarely go together well, and sometimes they run up against the Constitution."
The U.S. Supreme Court is currently evaluating the merits of whether "interstate excise taxes 'threatens to wreak havoc on taxpayers and businesses around the country,' as the Washington Policy Center highlighted in an amicus brief" to the court. 
Our commitment to providing you with insightful information is highlighted in the fact that the Journal could have just been reading Shift to find that quote, as we informed readers like you before any mainstream news outlets. Your contribution today will ensure that we can continue our vital work, keeping you informed about state politics.
Please consider contributing $100, $50, or even $25 today, so we can continue keeping you up-to-date on the latest news coming out of our state. With your support, we can keep a watchful eye on developments like the state income tax issue and ensure that you are up-to-date as well.
Thank you,
The Shift Team
P.S. Your contribution today will have a direct impact on our ability to keep you informed and empowered. Please donate now to help us in our mission to protect our state.