Dear John,
My deepest gratitude and admiration go to Elizabeth Warren. We’re sad in my house today, for sure. But I really could not be prouder to have supported her in this campaign, and to have been part of her compassionate, smart, progressive, diverse, hardworking team.
I love the way she told her own story, connected it to the struggles of others, made young women feel seen, communicated clearly about corruption, inequality, and public policy, treated Americans like adults, and of course, had the best plans. (And yes, ok, how she eviscerated Mike Bloomberg).
Rosa and I will never forget the thrill of being in Washington Square Park for her speech on the Triangle Fire and the shirtwaist workers. Together with her speeches on Phyllis Wheatley, the washerwomen, Bread & Roses, Justice for Janitors, she stitched a narrative of worker organizing, feminism, anti-racism, and democracy that provides courage and clarity for the change we need.
Now, the place to continue those struggles for justice is with Bernie Sanders. Today, I’m enthusiastically endorsing Bernie for President. His commitment to movement-building, to fiercely combating inequality, to transforming our democracy away from power and privilege and toward the people make him my clear choice.
Our poll a few weeks ago told us that many of you, like me, supported Elizabeth Warren, with Bernie Sanders as your second choice (and of course, for some of you, the choices went in the opposite direction.) I fought my heart out for Warren, but now it is time to join forces to elect a progressive President.
With our hard work, Sanders can win the Democratic Primary and beat Donald Trump. We can unite progressive, liberal, and moderate voters around a vision that takes our country back from corporate interests, and the corrupt President who shills for them. This is a time for a bold vision that not only defeats Trump, but also confronts the crises of inequality, racism, endless wars, and democratic decay that enabled him.
As I’ve said from the start, I will strongly support whichever Democrat wins the nomination, and that remains true. I have concerns about Joe Biden, as a candidate and a President; but if he wins, I will work extremely hard for him this fall. And for our House and Senate candidates, too. The future of our democracy is quite demonstrably at stake.
For now, thank you #TeamWarren. It has been an honor. Let’s bring the energy of Big Structural Change and #DreamBigFightHard to help make Bernie Sanders the next President, and to implement the vision of universal health care, child care, debt-free college, a foreign policy rooted in global justice, and a society that works for all of us.
Lander for NYC
456 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, Suite 2
Brooklyn, NY 11215
[email protected]