The President’s approval rating is down to 37%...


With our country and the world in a state of complete chaos, Americans are learning the hard way that having weak leadership in our country breeds instability abroad.

And it's evident our people are no longer hesitant to RIGHTFULLY point the finger at President Joe Biden for his egregious failures as our commander-in-chief.

Even Democrats are now realizing how dangerous Biden’s rash incompetence is to the future of our great nation.

This shouldn’t even be a political statement: America needs a strong leader guiding our country forward in order to keep our adversaries at bay. And Joe Biden just doesn’t fit the bill.

Yet for some inexplicable reason, Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats continue to rubber stamp the extreme Biden-Harris agenda.

Luckily, we have an opportunity to come together as Americans next November and vote for the change America so desperately needs. I’ll need your support every step of the way, Friend.

Please make a contribution to stand with me as I push back against the reckless left-wing policies being implemented by Joe Biden and Senate Democrats.







Thank you,

Thom Tillis
U.S. Senator - North Carolina

Paid for by the Thom Tillis Committee

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