
If you’ve been following our emails recently, you know that Indivisible has some huge plans for Arizona in the coming year. 

We’re fighting to get abortion rights on the ballot, unseat two MAGA members of Congress in AZ-01 and AZ-06, replace Senator Kyrsten Sinema with a real Democrat, flip the statehouse, and deliver the state’s six electoral votes (and therefore likely the presidency) to Joe Biden. All these goals reinforce each other and bring us closer to restoring our Democratic trifecta. 

How do we get all that done? On the ground organizing. Everywhere in the state. This weekend, that work took a big step forward at our Battleground Summit. 

I had the privilege of gathering in Phoenix with over 100 Indivisible leaders from every corner of Arizona. It was a weekend of strategy planning, making new connections, and building our power in perhaps the most strategically important state of the 2024 election. 

Members of over 20 different Indivisibles groups attended. Rural groups, urban groups, even a new youth chapter from the border town of Nogales. I was struck not only by Indivisible activists' dedication to turning Arizona (more) blue, but by their deep understanding of local communities, Arizona’s particular political culture, and how to make a real grassroots impact.

If you care about keeping the Senate in 2024, flipping the House, and defeating Trump -- I can’t think of a better investment than supporting the work these organizers are doing in Arizona. Before I share more about the weekend, here’s a link where you can chip in (if you’re able) to help fuel their work >> 

Flipping the US House 

Back to the summit -- one of my favorite sessions was our AZ-01 and AZ-06 breakout group, focusing on two districts that went for Biden in 2020, but elected Republicans (David Schweikert and Juan Ciscomani) to Congress in 2022. We brainstormed each of the members’ vulnerabilities, and concrete tactics that will help us unseat them. About 40 Indivisibles from these key districts started planning specific actions to hold these members accountable during the upcoming government funding fight -- especially important now that the MAGA House has elected far-right extremist Rep. Mike Johnson as their new speaker.

Flipping the Statehouse 

In Arizona, Indivisibles are not only working in the streets, they’re also in the halls of power. State Reps. Laura Terech (AZ-LD4) & Judy Schwiebert (AZ-LD2) -- both former Indivisible leaders -- made an appearance, as well as Brandy Reese and Deb Howard, who are running for LDs 13 and 27 respectively. We know the Indivisible caucus will only grow stronger!

Protecting Reproductive Rights and Turning Out the Vote 

Of course, no summit would be complete without some special guests! We were excited to welcome our friends from the Arizona for Abortion Access Coalition to conduct a signature gathering training and remind us why it’s so important to win abortion rights at the ballot. We’re proud to say that, after this in-person training, we’ve now trained 474 total Indivisible volunteers who are ready to go out into the world and collect signatures. And at this summit alone, Indivisible volunteers turned in over 1,400 signatures for the ballot measure.

We’re working (with partners) to collect 500,000 signatures to get this initiative on the ballot -- and if we do, we’re confident it will not only pass, but help energize the electorate and turn out voters who share our values in 2024. 

Keeping the Senate 

We saved the best for last -- at the end of the summit, Rep. Ruben Gallego came to address the group and accept the endorsement of the statewide Indivisible network. For this group, it’s personal. They were a big part of delivering Kyrsten Sinema to the Senate in 2018, and she turned around and betrayed us all. But representatives of each of the 20+ groups attending the summit shared exactly why they’re endorsing Ruben Gallego to take back this seat. We know he’ll be accountable to everyday Arizonans, not to wealthy donors and special interests. The energy in the room was palpable!

Winning Up and Down the Ballot

So I’ll end my recap with this: Our Battleground program is all about making a deep, targeted investment in the state of Arizona and in our grassroots infrastructure. Because of your donations, we’ve been able to gather some of our most dedicated activists for this summit and align us all on a strategy to win in 2024. We’ve been able to train hundreds of signature gatherers to win abortion rights, to make a big impact in two House races (out of five) needed to flip the House, and build the grassroots power needed to ensure Ruben Gallego is the next Senator from Arizona and Trump gets nowhere near the White House in 2024. 

But AZ law requires us to pay for all of this work from a totally different fund than our national work -- a new fund that has few monthly donors to sustain it and little in reserves because this work is just getting started. 

So if all this sounds exciting to you, I hope you’ll chip in. Become a sustaining donor if you can, or make a one-time donation. These activists I spent time with this weekend have the passion and skills to deliver Arizona in a big way next November -- but they need our help to do it. 

If you've saved your information with ActBlue Express Lane, your donation to Indivisible Action Arizona will go through immediately:

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In solidarity,

Julian Sena
Battlegrounds Director, Indivisible

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Paid for by Indivisible Action Arizona with 89.69% from out-of-state contributors. PO Box 43135, Washington, DC 20010. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Your contribution will benefit Indivisible Action Arizona, an Arizona State PAC. Donations are not anonymous and will be reported to the Federal Election Commission and the Arizona Secretary of State.

Grassroots donations, not foundations or large gifts, are our single largest source of funding. That means we’re accountable to, and fueled by, Indivisibles on the ground. Chip in $7 or whatever you can to keep fueling our movement. 

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To give by mail, send a check to Indivisible Action Arizona, PO Box 43135, Washington, DC 20010.

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