FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oct. 27, 2023 Contact:?Bob Hanson, DNR Wildlife Biologist [email protected] or 715-225-8597
DNR To Host Public Meeting On Draft Sharp-Tailed Grouse Management Plan
 Sharp-tailed grouse management began in Wisconsin during the late 1940s and early 1950s in response to concerns about habitat loss. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR
MADISON, Wis.?? The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced the draft 2023-2033 Sharp-Tailed Grouse Management Plan, which outlines objectives and strategies to guide sharp-tailed grouse management in Wisconsin.
The draft plan is open to public comment until Nov. 17 at 11:59 p.m. Additionally, the public can provide verbal comments during a public meeting on Nov. 8, being held in-person and via Zoom.
The draft Sharp-Tailed Grouse Management Plan sets a course for how the DNR intends to manage sharp-tailed grouse and the habitat they use. Highlights include:
- Focusing management on the existing core range of sharp-tailed grouse in northern Wisconsin.
- Developing cooperative partnerships between public and private organizations.
- Implementing landscape-level habitat strategies to sustain long-term populations of sharp-tailed grouse.
Comments can be sent via email to Bob Hanson, DNR Wildlife Biologist, at [email protected]?or through the mail until 11:59 p.m. on Nov. 17. Please mail comments to:
Sharp-Tailed Grouse Management Plan Comments Crex Visitor Center 102 E. Crex Ave. Grantsburg, WI 54840
Sharp-tailed grouse are a native resident game bird of Wisconsin. These grouse depend on young, open pine, oak barren and savanna ecosystems. Historically, sharp-tailed grouse were found throughout the state. Due to habitat loss and fragmentation, most sharp-tailed grouse in Wisconsin are now found in the northwest. Learn more about sharp-tailed grouse on the DNR's website.
What: Public meeting on the draft Sharp-Tailed Grouse Management Plan
When: Nov. 8 at 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.
Where: DNR Spooner Service Center Large Conference Room 810 W Maple St. Spooner, WI 54801
Join online via Zoom