From Townhall Spotlight <[email protected]>
Subject Food Inflation Plot Exposed
Date October 27, 2023 1:16 PM
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Have you been feeling the pinch when grabbing groceries recently?

Well, you’re not alone.

And it turns out there’s a disturbing reason for these hikes.

It’s something you ain’t heard in any newspaper. It’s got nothing to do with what’s going on in Eastern Europe. Or even sleepy Joe’s economic blunders.


According to some secret intel from my military contacts…

The real cause is something far more concerning.

And unfortunately, this ain’t improving.

Truth is, if my contacts are correct…

It may not be long until we have a repeat of empty toilet paper shelves.

But this time, it’ll be our food shelves that are ransacked.

Look, I’m not trying to alarm you.

But I’ve been a troop in areas where food shortages were very real.

And it's something you need to be ready for weeks in advance.

That’s why I’ve made a short video revealing how I’m preparing.

I’m not stockpiling cans of beans or anything like that.

My method may even sound a little odd.

It just requires an empty cupboard, and some scrap wire from your garage.

But from my experience in areas where people are going hungry…

This is the sole thing you need to do to prepare.

I suggest you watch my vid if you want your family to come out on top of this.

Do this to prepare for upcoming food shortages

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